Fighting Apathy
About the band


Notes from the Band.... | About the band | Band Members | Upcoming shows and events | Photo Album | Links | Contact Us | Merchandise | Our Lyrics

Our goal and inspiration as a band.

Our main goal as a band would be to help give people a reason to care about life and things that are included in life. We hope and pray that our music may someday make some kind of a difference or impact on somebody's life... With us being a christian band and all, one of our main goals as a band is to spread the word of God to as many people as possible. Our inspiration for doing what we do would obviously be God.

The history of Fighting Apathy.

The history of Fighting Apathy started with Devin and Brian jamming together every now and then and working on songs they would make up. They did this for about a year, then finally they decided to add drums and bass to their music. They decided that they would have Bobby Washburn play drums and Jason Deggleman play bass. They played a couple shows with a lot of practice in between and then Jason couldn't be in the band anymore. We decided to ask Branson Whitman to play bass for us, and that is now what you know as the present day, Fighting Apathy, we are looking forward to what the future may bring and we hope for the best.

Supporting people

Fighting Apathy would like to thank all the people that helped them get to where we are today...We couldn't of done it without your support!! We thank God most of all!! We thank our parents for all they have done for us..., we thank all of ours friends and girlfriends for coming to our shows and helping us at times when we need it,... we thank all the bands that we have ever played with and all the places that we played at also, Once again, THANK YOU!!!